Why I’m Spiritually Loose
By all outwards appearances, my life was pretty perfect when I experienced my quarter-life crisis. Upturning my beautiful, successful and safe existence made no sense to anyone, especially me, but I could no longer ignore the quiet voice within that said, “there’s more than this.”
So I set off on a search to replace the soul-destroying tightness of expectation, obligation and routine, with the soul-stirring wholeness of connection, meaning and possibility. I spent two decades healer-hunting and guru-shopping, a sometimes-chaotic and always-confronting journey that only makes sense looking back.
Spiritually Loose is an antidote for the modern-world diseases of emptiness, regret and disappointment. It’s a revolution that says it’s ok to be
spiritual and loose,
humble and confident,
reverent and cheeky,
patient and intolerant,
brave and vulnerable,
deep and superficial.
Above all, it’s a reminder that it’s perfect to just be you.
Spiritually Loose is the story of one woman’s search for more. Susan’s journey took her around the world, from rave parties in Ibiza, to jazz bars in New York; from lectures on quantum physics in Italy, to classes on philosophy in Australia; from traditional hula dancing in Hawaii, to qualifying as a Kundalini yoga teacher in Spain. Instead of finding answers, she found rules. Instead of joy, she found judgement. Once she stopped looking outside and listening to the gurus, she realised there was a voice inside her, present from childhood, whispering quiet messages of love, acceptance and joy.
Susan’s book is available on all platforms
soft cover, ebook and audio book
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Spiritually Loose in Business and Leadership
We’re all influenced by the voice within, a voice you cannot ignore. That’s why my life’s work is about cultivating consciousness and offering people tools, guidance and support on their own journey to connection, meaning and possibility. Being ‘spiritually loose’ means being open and willing to follow your own roadmap through life. That’s essential for anyone who wants to build a purposeful business, lead authentically or simply live a full life.
Let me show you how to trust your inner guru.