Best-selling Author, Leadership Coach, Business Consultant, Facilitator, Keynote Speaker and more
The best roadmap for navigating this complex and unpredictable world will not be found by listening to the latest expert, influencer or guru. I’m not denying that you’ll learn a lot if you remain open and curious, but how you integrate this knowledge with your own inner knowing is where the magic happens.
My passion is to help people and organisations find their answers by learning how to listen to the voice within. It doesn’t matter if you’re a senior executive in a large business or a rule-breaker bringing new ideas to life, your inner voice is whispering quietly, trying to guide you, nurture you and lift you up.
My role through workshops, coaching, writing and speaking is to help you cultivate your consciousness, access your own roadmap and follow the signs!
I love what I do, but that wasn’t always the case. My wake-up call came in the form of a quarter-life crisis, which sent me on the first of many worldwide searches for answers. A shopping trip to New York led to a chance meeting with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, and the first hint of my life’s purpose. I’ve explored everything from quantum physics and neuroscience, to philosophy and eastern traditions, and I even qualified as a kundalini yoga teacher. I’ve been perfecting my art for over two decades, and I love motivating people to trust their intuition, think differently, lead consciously, and let life guide them to fulfilment.
I'm an extreme ocean lover. This is a picture of a place that’s very special to me. It’s where I like to write, and where I get my best ideas. I am a best-selling author of 4 books with Hay House and I was very lucky to find a like-minded friend and creative collaborator early in my career. In fact, we wrote the last chapter of One Moment Please as we stood with our feet in the water and stared out across this vast blue expanse!
I always thought the ocean conspired with the universe to whisper brilliant ideas in my ear, but now I realise it’s because this is a place where I naturally become present and go deep into my body. That’s where all the answers lie. My fourth book, Spiritually Loose, is a memoir that shares how I finally found everything I need to know, right inside of me.
“I can’t begin to thank you enough Susan, for the huge role you played in me finally beginning to trust the small voice inside and my intuition. I feel so incredibly relieved and at peace, and I am now making clear and perfect decisions for me. I am blessed to have met you”
— KP, Managing Partner, Brisbane Australia
Today my life is a perfect blend of visiting the ocean for inspiration, and working with companies and individuals who want to embrace a new style of living and leading. I’m writing, running leadership programs, speaking at conferences, coaching and encouraging everyone to seek their personal roadmap (while following mine!).